Explore Caltech

Saturday, September 28, 2024, 10:00am to 2:00pm
At Bechtel Mall, Across from 525 S Wilson Ave Map



Join us to explore the wonders of science and learn from leading researchers.
It's a great opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of science and technology.

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Explore Our Main Features

feature 1

Caltech Astronomy

Solar telescopes, marshmallow activity, radio interferometer demo

Math Circle

Math games for all ages from the Julia Robinson Math Festival

IPAC @ Caltech

Experience an infrared camera

Chemistry of food

Color and wavelength of juices, cabbage juice as an indicator, acid-base reactions; flavors, liquid nitrogen ice cream; various other not-food-related demos

Double slit experiment

Using light driven reactions for scientific discovery and some artistic fun

Levitating superconductor

Experience a ceramic puck levitating above magnets after being cooled in liquid nitrogen. A fascinating showcase of superconductivity in action

Pasadena public library

STEAM kits, family-friendly crafts, free books

Diversity in Chemistry Initiative

Discover the wonders of electrochemical batteries, colorful slime, glowing glowsticks, and the mesmerizing Tollens silver test

Turbulence Behavior and Modeling

Demonstrating turbulence with food dye liquids and explaining computational turbulence modeling
feature 1

Math booth part I

Map coloring, mazes, the Tower of Hanoi, toothpicks and putty to make 3D shapes, and big bubbles

Math booth part II

Build hyberbolic surfaces with foam

Ant-beetle show-and-tell

Check out local ants and their coleopteran houseguests, and hear about the cool stories of their symbiotic association


Present an interactive map of astronomical radio transients like pulsars and Fast Radio Bursts, showcasing the dynamic radio sky. Visitors can select sources to hear their sounds, explore different observatories, and experience how the radio sky changes with location, sensitivity, and antenna type.

Meet a Scientist Panels & TED-Style Talks

Engage in insightful panel discussions with top scientists and explore exciting TED-style talks!

  • 10:20-10:30 AM: TED Talk
  • 10:40-10:50 AM: TED Talk
  • 11:00-11:20 AM: Meet a Scientist Panel - PMA, JPL, EAS, GPS
  • 11:30-11:50 AM: Meet a Scientist Panel - BBE, CCE, EAS, HSS
  • 12:00-12:10 PM: TED Talk
  • 12:20-12:30 PM: TED Talk
  • 12:40-12:50 PM: TED Talk
  • 1:00-1:10 PM: TED Talk
  • 1:20-1:30 PM: TED Talk
  • 1:40-1:50 PM: TED Talk


Explore Caltech Campus
Event Location:
Bechtel Mall, Across from 525 S Wilson Ave

Event Time:
Saturday, September 28, 2024, 10:00am to 2:00pm

Caltech Hall Caltech Map

Contact us

Organizers: Bohan Chen, Marziye Jafariyazani, Matthew M. Gherman, Nivedita Mahesh



